Dont't have an account? Sign up here!
Please follow the steps on this page to complete your registration form and begin using our services.
The information you supply in the registration form will help us verify your identity, Australian residence and age which determine whether you can purchase from our Australian, online pharmacy store.
Please note:
- Part of the registration process requires you to upload valid, government-issued identification as proof of age. Your personal information is kept confidential, used solely for the purpose of verifying your account, temporarily stored securely and then promptly deleted. See our Privacy Policy for more information.
Your account must be verified by our pharmacist or pharmacy staff before you are able to purTGO110-complaint therapeutic vaping products.
Thank you for choosing My Pharmacy Link.
Thank you for registering an account with My Pharmacy Link. Your registration form details are now being reviewed by our pharmacy staff who may contact you if further information is required. Otherwise, once your registration is approved, we'll send you an account activation email with instructions on how to verify your account with a password.
Please check your spam or junk folder if you don't see the activation email in your inbox over the next few days.